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Box 9


Contains 202 Results:

Document signed Eli Smith, Quartermaster, St. Joseph. Receipt to G. Friedenheit for clothing, boots and shoes for use in battalion in the service of Major Albins, command at St. Joseph, 1st Battalion, 4th District, Missouri Volunteers., 1861 Sept 21

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: 10
Scope and Contents From the Collection: The Hamilton Rowan Gamble Papers consist of deeds, early land grants, surveys, a St. Louis court docket book (1816-1833), bills of sale, legal papers regarding land ownership and business agreements, letters pertaining to causes of the Civil War, letters regarding the raising of a state militia, correspondence with political and military leaders, account books and receipts. Papers pertaining to land cases include deeds from French and Spanish ownership...
Dates: 1861 Sept 21

Letter signed William McPherson, New York, to Governor H.R. Gamble. I have procured an order for 4000 guns. I came here to get and ship them but find they have only 2810 at the arsenal. These were got ready today and will be shipped by express tomorrow, reaching St. Louis Saturday. I shall send a messenger with them under my instructions and then go to work to get more. Those obtained are old pattern of Springfield musket, and to be loaded with ball and buckshot. I have an order on Captain Callendar for ammunition, and I wrote Colonel Blair today to see Callender and let him get the ammunition prepared. The caliber is 69. I had to ge tan order form the President to get the arms. When in Washington I kept clear of the Fremont question. The President complained you had not written of your interview with Fremont as requested. I had the honor of explaining my business before the President and his full Cabinet within 4 hours after I reached Washington, but then was two days in getting the orders for arms and equipment. I got 4000 infantry equipment with the guns. I have learned something of the corruption going on in army matters east and west…enough to make any lover of his country sick at heart. We will talk this over when I get home. Individuals mentioned include President Lincoln, Captain [Franklin P.] Callendar, Colonel Blair, John C. Fremont and Cabinet. Places mentioned include Washington. (2 pages), 1861 Sept 23

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: 10
Scope and Contents From the Collection: The Hamilton Rowan Gamble Papers consist of deeds, early land grants, surveys, a St. Louis court docket book (1816-1833), bills of sale, legal papers regarding land ownership and business agreements, letters pertaining to causes of the Civil War, letters regarding the raising of a state militia, correspondence with political and military leaders, account books and receipts. Papers pertaining to land cases include deeds from French and Spanish ownership...
Dates: 1861 Sept 23

Letter signed C. Gibson, Washington, to Governor Gamble. I have presented a copy of your letter to me to the President. You acted the patriot and the statesman throughout – were more patient that I expected and more so that I would have been. As everybody [except Bates] seems to be afraid of General Fremont I have taken it upon myself to prefer charges against him before the President. Under his rule we have already lost the Indian and other Territories, most of Missouri and if he is retained in the command of the west, we will lose Missouri and Illinois. I intend to have my charges against Fremont printed. Another and the principal motive with me was to place the President in a position where he would have to recall the General. Individuals mentioned include President Lincoln, Edward Bates and General John C. Fremont. Places mentioned include Missouri and Illinois. (4 pages), 1861 Sept 27

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: 10
Scope and Contents From the Collection: The Hamilton Rowan Gamble Papers consist of deeds, early land grants, surveys, a St. Louis court docket book (1816-1833), bills of sale, legal papers regarding land ownership and business agreements, letters pertaining to causes of the Civil War, letters regarding the raising of a state militia, correspondence with political and military leaders, account books and receipts. Papers pertaining to land cases include deeds from French and Spanish ownership...
Dates: 1861 Sept 27

Letter signed Edward Bates, Attorney General’s Office, to Governor H.R. Gamble. General Fremont is not to be removed – at least until he has had a full opportunity to retrieve his fortunes, or to ruin our state altogether and endanger our cause. McPherson has no doubt written you as to his partial success in getting arms. The Government is not so much to blame, for Tennessee, and Kentucky as well as Missouri, are placing demands. The subject of our foreign relations is entirely overlooked by the newspapers, absorbed as they are in the Civil War, but we are in imminent peril from that quarter. Discussion of the danger of an open rupture with Spain and Great Britain, and perhaps France also. Julia is slowly recovering from her paralytic stroke. She can walk pretty well. Julian is here, and his presence is a fine moral tonic for his mother. Keep me informed on things in Missouri. Individuals mentioned include General John C. Fremont, William McPherson, [Mrs. Edward] Julia Bates and Julian Bates. Places mentioned include Missouri, Tennessee, Kentucky, Spain, France and Great Britain. (3 pages), 1861 Sept 27

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: 10
Scope and Contents From the Collection: The Hamilton Rowan Gamble Papers consist of deeds, early land grants, surveys, a St. Louis court docket book (1816-1833), bills of sale, legal papers regarding land ownership and business agreements, letters pertaining to causes of the Civil War, letters regarding the raising of a state militia, correspondence with political and military leaders, account books and receipts. Papers pertaining to land cases include deeds from French and Spanish ownership...
Dates: 1861 Sept 27

Letter signed R.A. King, to Mr. Gamble. Regarding Governor Gamble drafting men for service in Franklin County. Will you ask Governor Gamble for us what he is going to authorize Gale & Co. to do in this matter. Individuals mentioned include Halligan and Gale & Co. Places mentioned include St. Louis, Franklin County and Jefferson City. (1 page), 1861 Sept 27

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: 10
Scope and Contents From the Collection: The Hamilton Rowan Gamble Papers consist of deeds, early land grants, surveys, a St. Louis court docket book (1816-1833), bills of sale, legal papers regarding land ownership and business agreements, letters pertaining to causes of the Civil War, letters regarding the raising of a state militia, correspondence with political and military leaders, account books and receipts. Papers pertaining to land cases include deeds from French and Spanish ownership...
Dates: 1861 Sept 27

Letter signed William M. McPherson, New York, to Honorable H.R. Gamble, St. Louis. I have just received a letter from Colt saying he would today ship the 80 carbines and 85 pistols to you at St. Louis. I have also ordered with them 4000 cartridges for each lot. These arms will have to be paid for on delivery and it is better to take it out of the funds on hand, as they are not arms adopted by the United States regulations. My plan is for Henderson to get a company of picked men for mounted scouts or skirmishers and armed with these guns and pistols. I have hunted this market and all New England over for arms without much success. I have learned of some arms here and of some coming for government, and I shall go back to Washington tonight to see if I cannot get a further order. I hope to include in it an order for a brass field battery of 6 pounders now ready for service. I have learned some little about clothes and knapsacks that may be of service to you. I must try to get home next week for I fear I will be needed to help defend St. Louis. I fear a defeat of Fremont, and a march of the victorious army on St. Louis. Special agents are here and at Washington three or four in number urging the pressing wants of Kentucky. Individuals mentioned include [Samuel] Colt, Henderson and General John C. Fremont. Places mentioned include New England, Washington, St. Louis and Kentucky. (2 pages), 1861 Sept 28

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: 11
Scope and Contents From the Collection: The Hamilton Rowan Gamble Papers consist of deeds, early land grants, surveys, a St. Louis court docket book (1816-1833), bills of sale, legal papers regarding land ownership and business agreements, letters pertaining to causes of the Civil War, letters regarding the raising of a state militia, correspondence with political and military leaders, account books and receipts. Papers pertaining to land cases include deeds from French and Spanish ownership...
Dates: 1861 Sept 28

Letter signed James H. Birch, Planter’s House [Cameron], to [Governor H.R. Gamble]. In this section of the state I am gratified that your requisition for volunteers will soon be filled. In my immediate locality there has already been organized a battalion, perhaps by this time a regiment, at the rendezvous at Cameron. Discussion of their great need for supplies, the indigent circumstances of the men. I will remain in the city until the arms for the forces at Cameron are received and ready for transshipment. My son, at Cameron on his return from inspections in some of the adjoining counties, seemed full of hope in respect to the aggregate quota of the district, of which the river counties will probably furnish but little. Two of the companies organized in my county are cavalry and have no suitable arms. Can they not be procured from the authorities? I have promised them my best exertions, but can only turn the matter over to you, or through you, to General Curtis. Individuals mentioned include [James Birch, Jr.] and General [Samuel Ryan?] Curtis. Places mentioned include Cameron. (3 pages), 1861 Sept 28

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: 11
Scope and Contents From the Collection: The Hamilton Rowan Gamble Papers consist of deeds, early land grants, surveys, a St. Louis court docket book (1816-1833), bills of sale, legal papers regarding land ownership and business agreements, letters pertaining to causes of the Civil War, letters regarding the raising of a state militia, correspondence with political and military leaders, account books and receipts. Papers pertaining to land cases include deeds from French and Spanish ownership...
Dates: 1861 Sept 28

Letter signed James H. Birch, Jr., Cameron, Missouri, to Father. Your letter by Captain Edgar was handed me yesterday. I confess I was astonished at the mistake regarding division inspector, and am enclosing copies of letters to Captain Edgar and B.F. Bassett regarding my appointment as inspector. This has provided some embarrassment, but will permit Colonel Nevill to assume charge of the district. I will furnish the organization here tomorrow of a cavalry battalion. I am gratified that the prospect for arms is so flattering. If the men had arms of their own we would be better fixed. I hope General Curtis will send us cavalry arms for at least seven companies. There should be at the arsenal, old Mexican War cavalry arms, out of date, such as breach loading carbines, old fashioned holsters and convention cased sabers. Secessionism at Plattsburg and Liberty is getting very insolent. Camps are being formed again in Platte, Clay and Buchanan and are coming home in squads. The most efficient service we could render would to break up all such nests and to arrest all such as are coming home. We are anxiously waiting the attack on Lexington. If it is a success we feel the country will be safer. We are afraid, however, that no provision will be made to prevent their crossing to this side of the river and we will be subject to their ravages. We heard firing of cannon yesterday evening rather to the right of Lexington, and it is believed here that it was Rains and Sturgis, or Lane’s command. Fred Selle wants you to get him a revolver, a mate to yours. Individuals mentioned include Captain W.A. Edgar, B.F. Bassett, Adjutant General [Missouri] G.R. Smith, Colonel Nevill, General Curtis, [James S.?] Rains, [Samuel D.?] Sturgis, [James H?] Lane and Fred Selle. Places mentioned include Cameron, Missouri, Plattsburg, Liberty, Platte County, Clay County, Buchanan County and Lexington. (4 pages), 1861 Sept 29

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: 11
Scope and Contents From the Collection: The Hamilton Rowan Gamble Papers consist of deeds, early land grants, surveys, a St. Louis court docket book (1816-1833), bills of sale, legal papers regarding land ownership and business agreements, letters pertaining to causes of the Civil War, letters regarding the raising of a state militia, correspondence with political and military leaders, account books and receipts. Papers pertaining to land cases include deeds from French and Spanish ownership...
Dates: 1861 Sept 29

Letter signed R.A. King, Union, Missouri, to J.B. Gamble. Enclosed find the circular issued by D.Q. Gale. Gale told me in Washington a week ago he intended to go to drafting in a few days. A Government clerk is now making out a list of all our names from the books in his office. If you think it best to go to Jefferson City and see the Governor I will see that your expenses are paid. I think you might accomplish a good deal for the benefit of your friends by going in this county. Individuals mentioned include D.Q. [Daniel] Gale and Governor [Hamilton R. Gamble]. Places mentioned include Jefferson City. (1 page), 1861 Sept 30

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: 11
Scope and Contents From the Collection: The Hamilton Rowan Gamble Papers consist of deeds, early land grants, surveys, a St. Louis court docket book (1816-1833), bills of sale, legal papers regarding land ownership and business agreements, letters pertaining to causes of the Civil War, letters regarding the raising of a state militia, correspondence with political and military leaders, account books and receipts. Papers pertaining to land cases include deeds from French and Spanish ownership...
Dates: 1861 Sept 30

Letter signed J.R. Gamble, High Ridge, to Uncle [Governor H.R. Gamble], Jefferson City. Is inspector Gale acting as your authority in drafting: It is said he is about to draft under the authority of General Fremont. Individuals mentioned include D.Q. Gale and General John C. Fremont. (3 pages), 1861 Sept 30

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: 11
Scope and Contents From the Collection: The Hamilton Rowan Gamble Papers consist of deeds, early land grants, surveys, a St. Louis court docket book (1816-1833), bills of sale, legal papers regarding land ownership and business agreements, letters pertaining to causes of the Civil War, letters regarding the raising of a state militia, correspondence with political and military leaders, account books and receipts. Papers pertaining to land cases include deeds from French and Spanish ownership...
Dates: 1861 Sept 30