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Box 9


Contains 202 Results:

. . . .Make every effort and any sacrifice to suppress the social war within the state, and to drive out the invaders so as to remove the seat of war below our southern line. To avoid the evil that is now upon Missouri, I have, for more than two months, been seeing the occupation by our troops of western Arkansas – the thrusting in of a wedge of our power between Arkansas and Indians. Fort Smith and Van Buren ought to be held by us, and both rivers [White and Arkansas] controlled. It was not to be expected that Congress would do everything wisely and well. Some of their proceedings are not to my liking; but in the main, they have nobly sustained the nation in this trying crisis. I know you will approve of their acknowledgment of God, and their call upon the President to proclaim a fast. BY command of the President, I wrote the brief proclamation which you will see in the papers. I never before felt such necessity for faith and dependence, and never such cheerful comfort in believing. Individuals mentioned include New York Times, Edit Mr. Raymond, Mitchell and Congress. Places mentioned include Missouri, Arkansas, White River and Arkansas River. (3 pages), 1861 Aug 12

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: 7
Scope and Contents From the Collection: The Hamilton Rowan Gamble Papers consist of deeds, early land grants, surveys, a St. Louis court docket book (1816-1833), bills of sale, legal papers regarding land ownership and business agreements, letters pertaining to causes of the Civil War, letters regarding the raising of a state militia, correspondence with political and military leaders, account books and receipts. Papers pertaining to land cases include deeds from French and Spanish ownership...
Dates: 1861 Aug 12

Letter from Lexington, to Governor Gamble. Please correct the many atrocities of the Home Guard Germans who have had a taste of blood and are terrorizing Missouri. Discussion of the murder of Lightner, Sawyer attempting to get testimony. Mr. Greenfield was arrested last night and came near being hung by three Dutch soldiers. Men are looking to Jackson’s army as the only safety. They will go to him by the thousands unless the bloody hand is stayed. Individuals mentioned include Home Guard, James Lightner, Greenfield, Claiborne F. Jackson and [Sam G.] Sawyer. Places mentioned include Lafayette County, Lexington, Owens Landing and Missouri. (4 pages), 1861 Aug 13

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: 8
Scope and Contents From the Collection: The Hamilton Rowan Gamble Papers consist of deeds, early land grants, surveys, a St. Louis court docket book (1816-1833), bills of sale, legal papers regarding land ownership and business agreements, letters pertaining to causes of the Civil War, letters regarding the raising of a state militia, correspondence with political and military leaders, account books and receipts. Papers pertaining to land cases include deeds from French and Spanish ownership...
Dates: 1861 Aug 13

Letter signed Albert Epperson, Jacob Bell, Macon City, Macon County, Missouri, to Honorable H.R. Gamble. As elder of the Presbyterian Church of Macon City we wish to know if any amount of money has been collected in your church in St. Louis for the relief of our church at this place? Last fall our pastor, Reverend J. Winters, visited your church to solicit funds, and on his return said funds had been promised. He left us in May and we have heard nothing of contributions comings. Our presbytery meets at Shelbyville next Thursday week and we wish then to make a statement of our condition. individuals mentioned include Reverend J. Winters and Presbyterian Church. Places mentioned include Shelbyville. (1 page), 1861 Aug 13

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: 8
Scope and Contents From the Collection: The Hamilton Rowan Gamble Papers consist of deeds, early land grants, surveys, a St. Louis court docket book (1816-1833), bills of sale, legal papers regarding land ownership and business agreements, letters pertaining to causes of the Civil War, letters regarding the raising of a state militia, correspondence with political and military leaders, account books and receipts. Papers pertaining to land cases include deeds from French and Spanish ownership...
Dates: 1861 Aug 13

Document signed William A. Buckingham, [Governor of Connecticut], Norwich, Connecticut, to His Excellency, Governor Gamble. Have the body of General Lyon preserved for transportation to this state. Via telegram, Western Union Telegraph Co. (1 page), 1861 Aug 14

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: 8
Scope and Contents From the Collection: The Hamilton Rowan Gamble Papers consist of deeds, early land grants, surveys, a St. Louis court docket book (1816-1833), bills of sale, legal papers regarding land ownership and business agreements, letters pertaining to causes of the Civil War, letters regarding the raising of a state militia, correspondence with political and military leaders, account books and receipts. Papers pertaining to land cases include deeds from French and Spanish ownership...
Dates: 1861 Aug 14

Letter signed Sam G. Sawyer, Lexington, to Honorable H.R. Gamble. Regarding investigating the killing of Mr. Lightner and the shooting of Mr. Fleming as you requested. Colonel Stifle gave me a short interview on the cases, but has not called my office as I requested for further enlightenment. The killing of Lightner was witnessed by two of our citizens who were at the time prisoners on the boat with Lightner but who are unwilling to give their affidavits except with the sanction of Colonel Stifle. I cannot obtain affidavits of Major Fleming and members of his family unless I am accompanied by the officers in command, for I fear my safety. (3 pages), 1861 Aug 15

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: 8
Scope and Contents From the Collection: The Hamilton Rowan Gamble Papers consist of deeds, early land grants, surveys, a St. Louis court docket book (1816-1833), bills of sale, legal papers regarding land ownership and business agreements, letters pertaining to causes of the Civil War, letters regarding the raising of a state militia, correspondence with political and military leaders, account books and receipts. Papers pertaining to land cases include deeds from French and Spanish ownership...
Dates: 1861 Aug 15

Letter signed J.T.K Hayward, Hannibal, Missouri, to His Excellency, H.R. Gamble, Jefferson City. Requesting a change in military heads for upper Missouri, to replace General Hurlburt, now in command, who is much of the time under the influence of liquor. He has had no military education. General Pope is in St. Louis, and though perhaps a good general, is not adapted to our people. May I suggest Judge Hall and Wilson? Judge would be a good man if he will take the place. Individuals mentioned include General Hurlburt [Stephen Augustus?], General John Pope, Judge Hall and Wilson. Places mentioned include Northern Missouri. (3 pages), 1861 Aug 17

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: 8
Scope and Contents From the Collection: The Hamilton Rowan Gamble Papers consist of deeds, early land grants, surveys, a St. Louis court docket book (1816-1833), bills of sale, legal papers regarding land ownership and business agreements, letters pertaining to causes of the Civil War, letters regarding the raising of a state militia, correspondence with political and military leaders, account books and receipts. Papers pertaining to land cases include deeds from French and Spanish ownership...
Dates: 1861 Aug 17

Letter signed E.B. Dobyns, Union, Franklin County, Missouri, to His Excellency, Hamilton R. Gamble. Protesting against the arrest by Amos W. Maupin, Captain of a Company of Home Guards of this county without any cause except their differing with him on the subject of the present war. This kind of arrest is in direct violation of your proclamation as Governor of Missouri and of the orders of General Winfield Scott, Commander-in-Chief of the United States forces. This injures the Union cause. Individuals mentioned include Thomas R. Lewis, M.G. Breckenridge, Otto Wengler and Edmund A. Nickerson. (2 pages), 1861 Aug 18

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: 8
Scope and Contents From the Collection: The Hamilton Rowan Gamble Papers consist of deeds, early land grants, surveys, a St. Louis court docket book (1816-1833), bills of sale, legal papers regarding land ownership and business agreements, letters pertaining to causes of the Civil War, letters regarding the raising of a state militia, correspondence with political and military leaders, account books and receipts. Papers pertaining to land cases include deeds from French and Spanish ownership...
Dates: 1861 Aug 18

Letter signed Major General, J.C. Fremont, St. Louis, to Hamilton R. Gamble. Calls his attention to the fact that all but one of the members of the Board of Police Commissioners for the City of St. Louis are “disunionist.” The Board was appointed by the late Governor Jackson for the purpose of aiding to subvert the Government. Suggests to him the propriety of removing these commissioners. Takes the liberty of suggesting that Messrs. William M. McPherson, William Patrick, Oliver D. Filley and John How be appointed. Individuals mentioned include Governor Jackson, William M. McPherson, William Patrick, Oliver D. Filley, John How and John D. Coalter. Places mentioned include St. Louis, Baton Rouge and Camp Jackson. (4 pages), 1861 Aug 18

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: 8
Scope and Contents From the Collection: The Hamilton Rowan Gamble Papers consist of deeds, early land grants, surveys, a St. Louis court docket book (1816-1833), bills of sale, legal papers regarding land ownership and business agreements, letters pertaining to causes of the Civil War, letters regarding the raising of a state militia, correspondence with political and military leaders, account books and receipts. Papers pertaining to land cases include deeds from French and Spanish ownership...
Dates: 1861 Aug 18

Letter signed J.C. Fremont, Headquarters Western Department, St. Louis, to Governor Hamilton R. Gamble. In organizing my force for the field I am embarrassed by the want of superior officers to whom important trusts may be confided. IN this connection it will promote the public service and be a favor to myself if you would immediately commission with the rank of Bridadier General, the Honorable Frank P. Blair, now Colonel of the 1st Missouri Volunteers. (2 pages), 1861 Aug 18

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: 8
Scope and Contents From the Collection: The Hamilton Rowan Gamble Papers consist of deeds, early land grants, surveys, a St. Louis court docket book (1816-1833), bills of sale, legal papers regarding land ownership and business agreements, letters pertaining to causes of the Civil War, letters regarding the raising of a state militia, correspondence with political and military leaders, account books and receipts. Papers pertaining to land cases include deeds from French and Spanish ownership...
Dates: 1861 Aug 18

Letter signed C. [Charles] Gibson, Philadelphia, to Governor H.R. Gamble [Uncle]. I have been waiting here just a week for Mr. Bates. I received a note from him today he will be here Thursday, but did not say whether any of his family will come with him. The news from Missouri fills me with grief. I feel both downhearted and indignant. The condition is attributable to the policy pursued by government agents in Missouri and to the neglect of Missouri matters in Washington. Immediately after the battle of Bull Run I appealed to Washington to send reinforcements to Missouri, but they did not see beyond the District of Columbia. Perhaps the battle of Springfield has lengthened their vision. I see by the journals that General Fremont had a flag boat for himself, and I understand privately he rides about St. Louis in a coach and four. As soon as I saw General Pope’s order for levying contributions from counties I wrote to Washington protesting against it. I see he is enforcing it in Palmyra. I earnestly hope I may be mistaken, that his course may not embitter the quarrel, and will restore tranquility to that region. I will confess my great surprise if it does operate well. I see General Fremont has ordered the organization of five regiments of Home Guards. The appointment of the officers of these regiments is a matter that properly belongs to you. The Governors in all the loyal states appoint certain officers in their regiments and you should be allowed to do the same in Missouri. Mr. Cameron is actuated, I think, in all his operation more by the love of self than of country and he wants to put all his friends in the places of the Government. I hope you will lose no time in asking the President for a public recognition of your Government, by giving you the choice of the offices in the Missouri Regiments. Send me a copy of your application and I will see that it gets before the Cabinet. I have written Mr. Bates several letters on Missouri but he has sent no detailed reply, probably because he expects to join me in a few days. Please give me a statement of your ideas so I may work more effectually for you in Washington. Individuals mentioned include Bates, General John C. Fremont, General Pope, Cameron, Missouri Regiments and Cabinet. Places mentioned include Washington, Missouri, Bull Run, Spring Field, St. Louis and District of Columbia. (6 pages), 1861 Aug 19

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: 8
Scope and Contents From the Collection: The Hamilton Rowan Gamble Papers consist of deeds, early land grants, surveys, a St. Louis court docket book (1816-1833), bills of sale, legal papers regarding land ownership and business agreements, letters pertaining to causes of the Civil War, letters regarding the raising of a state militia, correspondence with political and military leaders, account books and receipts. Papers pertaining to land cases include deeds from French and Spanish ownership...
Dates: 1861 Aug 19